Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


01 December 2023

This week has been black and white week in Nursery and they looked at what happened when we mixed black and white together.  They ordered pandas by size and made zebras by sticking black strips of paper onto a Z shape.  Fine motor skills were practised by snipping white paper to make snowflake shapes ready for our Christmas door display and girls made suncatcher penguins from tissue paper to display on our Nursery windows. The girls explored the black and white keys on the piano in both Westbourne and on the interactive piano app on the touch table.

It has been a busy week in Kindergarten this week. The focus was around the letter sound c. Girls have worked hard on their letter formation and are able to collectively create a long list of words with c as the initial sound! Children made crabs in the shape of the letter c and enjoyed creating some cat cakes in their cooking time. Time was also spent talking about carrots, finding out how they grow and ordering them by size. They also had the chance to take part in some cornflake play too, and the competition was on to find the most creepy crawlies! 

Reception and Kindergarten girls have had out of this world experiences this week too!  On Friday they visited The Mac Theatre to watch ‘Starchitects Save Santa’.  Then, on Monday, they ventured into outer space again by visiting the Star Dome in Prep.  We had a great time and learnt a lot about the planets.  We searched for space books in the classroom on our return to earth!  You can read more about these experiences in the separate stories.

For National No Pen Day, Reception continued to revise CVC words by using the playdough to make stamp letters in.  The iPads were used to reinforce these words and they did a great deal of talking, which was a wonderful way to increase vocabulary.  In Mathematics, girls explored the difference between day and night and instead of writing, they glued pictures into day and night spaces.  We also listened to Night Monkey, Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson.   

Topic work has been centred around festive artwork, making cards and decorating the classroom and all of the girls in Westbourne are looking forward to next week as they are putting the final touches to the Christmas play to perform to parents and friends.

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