Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Little Learners

Westbourne | Preparatory

05 May 2023

Our midweek gathering, Little Learners, is open to local parents, carers, babies, and pre-school children up to four years of age. It has been a busy and exciting time for the Learners who have enjoyed a variety of activities over the past couple of months, including:

•    Messy play - feeling the textures of solids and liquids
•    Mark making on a large scale - drawing on the floor and small-scale colouring coronation crowns using chunky crayons
•    Slide / tunnel - physical development gross motor skills - climbing the slide and crawling through the tunnel
•    Construction - duplo bricks, inter star connections
•    Sharing board books and stories
•    Group singing time - nursery rhymes and familiar songs

Meanwhile, parents and carers have been able to enjoy a friendly chat over tea, coffee and biscuits.

It has been especially lovely to see some of our Little Learners transitioning into our Nursery and we’re very much looking forward to others joining us in September.

Little Learners sessions run on Tuesdays during term-time, from 10.30 - 11.45am. It’s a great place to relax, and meet and make friends, while the little ones enjoy a range of play activities in our safe and stimulating environment. Boys are welcome as well as girls. Our final session of this academic year will take place on Tuesday 4 July.

Booking is essential as there are limited spaces available. Email if you would like to come along.

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