
The school has a thriving association of alumnae, the EHS Laurels Association (formerly known as the Old Girls' Association), of which students become a member when they leave School. With a membership of over 4,500 which extends through Europe, Canada, the US and Australia, the Association takes seriously its role of communicating with and serving alumnae by arranging reunions, opportunities to visit the School and organising social events.

We have a termly e-newsletter, our Laurels News Bulletin, which gives alerts as to forthcoming events, requests for information and small doses of nostalgia! Email to sign up.

Students attending Edgbaston High are invited to take up life membership of the LA when they leave at the end of Sixth Form. Former students of the School who left before this system of membership began or who elected not to participate in the scheme are warmly invited to join us. To become a member please contact the LA at .

Life Membership privileges include an e-magazine, and access to former students' contact details (if permission has been granted by the member). Many former members of staff are staunch supporters of the LA and reunions are a wonderful opportunity to bring generations of EHS teachers and girls together.


Laurels Association Headlines

Fallen Leaves - Lina Handa

11 Jul 2024: We are sad to announce the passing of a fellow Laurel, Lina Handa (née Passi) – Class of 1981  Lina often spoke fondly of her friends, teachers and memories...

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EHS LA Summer Lunch: Final Reminder for Tickets!

06 Jun 2024: There are still a few tickets available for our annual Summer Lunch, taking place this year on Saturday 22 June from 12.30pm - 3pm. We would love to see as...

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Laurel Leaves Magazine - We Need Your News

18 Apr 2024: We are about to begin work on our bi-annual magazine, Laurel Leaves! As always, we love to hear from former students and staff about what they have been up...

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Lakshya's Challenge

13 Jan 2023: We were delighted to welcome former pupil Lakshya Jain back to school to deliver an assembly to Senior School pupils.  Lakshya gave pupils a fascinating...

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