Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Head's End of Term Message

12 Jul 2024: The end of the academic year seems to come ever more swiftly and as school falls quiet, I can reflect on the wonderful whirlwind of activities...

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Farewell, Mrs Hartley

12 Jul 2024: In a heart-warming celebration marking her retirement after 15 years of dedicated service, the girls bid a fond farewell to their much-loved...

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Joy and Celebration on Prizegiving Day

12 Jul 2024: The sun shone down on the marquee for this year’s Year 13 Prizegiving Ceremony which promised joy, talent and emotion; and it delivered...

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High-Flying Help

12 Jul 2024: This term we have been raising money for West Midlands Air Ambulance Service following an inspiring assembly from Dr Dias. We learnt about...

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European Adventure for Linguists

12 Jul 2024: A cultural adventure awaited Year 9 and 10 linguists as they set off for an exciting trip to France and Germany. In spite of consistently...

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Prep News

12 Jul 2024: In my last News from Prep article I would like to thank staff, girls and parents for the range of memorable activities that have been organised...

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Summer Term Excellence Book

12 Jul 2024: We are constantly amazed by the high quality of work produced by pupils of all ages here at EHS. In recognition of that talent and hard...

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A Festival of Sport

12 Jul 2024: At the end of last week the Prep School enjoyed a whole day of sporting events. We began with Westbourne, the Pre-Prep, and the youngest...

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Colourful Picnic for Prep

12 Jul 2024: The Prep School, involving pupils from Nursery to Year 6, look forward to what has become an annual tradition. This year the picnic had...

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Braving the Elements

12 Jul 2024: 18 students embarked on their Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedition to Snowdonia last Friday 5 July. The evening was spent acclimatising in...

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Strong Show at NGA Semi-Finals

12 Jul 2024: On Monday, a group of Year 8 girls competed in the semi-finals of the Birmingham Civic Society’s Next Generation Awards. The group presented...

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This Week in Westbourne

12 Jul 2024: Even though we are in the last few days of term girls in Westbourne have been busier than ever! Last Friday, we performed our goodbye...

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Celebrating Year 6

05 Jul 2024: Each year we celebrate all that Year 6 girls have achieved during their time in the Prep School before they begin their new adventure in...

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Summer Extravaganza: Music from the Movies

05 Jul 2024: Edgbaston High School proudly presented ‘Summer Extravaganza: Music from the Movies’ on Wednesday 3 July 2024. Held in the Octagon, this...

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Prep News

05 Jul 2024: Our week began with House Meetings and with Year 5 girls each giving a short speech to their Housemates to vote for them next year to gain...

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The Beautiful Game

05 Jul 2024: Football is everywhere and as a nation we really seem to love it. England fans up and down the country are hooked. We love to watch, spectate,...

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Martineau Magic

05 Jul 2024: On Friday, Year 2 set off excitedly to go to Martineau Gardens. On arrival we were greeted by Denise and James who were our tour guides...

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Year 4 Hone Critical Thinking Skills

05 Jul 2024: This year, our ‘Thinking it Through' club has been very popular. Open to all pupils in Year 4, the lunchtime club offers a variety of activities...

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A Winning Snapshot

05 Jul 2024: The Learning Hub’s photography competition has proved very popular with Senior School girls and we have been delighted by the number of...

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Swim Squad's Fun-Filled Final Session

05 Jul 2024: The Prep Swim Squad concluded their year with an exciting and memorable final session, bringing together fun and friendly competition.The...

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This Week in Westbourne

05 Jul 2024: This week in Nursery the girls have been continuing the summer theme and also looking at holidays. The display table featured aeroplanes,...

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EHSPA Second Hand Uniform Sale

05 Jul 2024: The EHSPA hosts monthly uniform sales throughout the year to provide good quality second-hand uniform to parents at a reasonable price,...

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