Senior School

Five years of transformation

During your child’s time in our Senior School, her academic growth and personal development accelerate. We’ve designed our curriculum and co-curricular activities to inspire her to relish the speed of this change, meeting each challenge with energy and excitement.

As your daughter progresses through these vital years, we ensure she has every chance to accomplish all she wants for a fulfilling future. We see no limits to what a girl can achieve – and we support her in every step of each success, in a vibrant and supportive learning environment.

Of course, exam grades become increasingly important in Senior School, but aiming for the highest marks is only part of the story at EHS. As you’d expect, we offer outstanding resources and teaching – and produce equally outstanding results. But more importantly, we help your daughter gain the confidence to shine in everything she does. Whether in the classroom or science lab, or on the stage or sports field, she will learn how to be her best. This is a lesson every ‘EHS girl’ takes with her.

View our new Senior School Prospectus




Senior School Headlines

Head's End of Term Message

12 Jul 2024: The end of the academic year seems to come ever more swiftly and as school falls quiet, I can reflect on the wonderful whirlwind of activities that have happened...

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Farewell, Mrs Hartley

12 Jul 2024: In a heart-warming celebration marking her retirement after 15 years of dedicated service, the girls bid a fond farewell to their much-loved Headmistress,...

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Summer Term Excellence Book

12 Jul 2024: We are constantly amazed by the high quality of work produced by pupils of all ages here at EHS. In recognition of that talent and hard work, each term teachers...

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Strong Show at NGA Semi-Finals

12 Jul 2024: On Monday, a group of Year 8 girls competed in the semi-finals of the Birmingham Civic Society’s Next Generation Awards. The group presented on their Baby...

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