Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


18 May 2018

We were pleased to welcome Year 5 girls back from Cranedale, the Eco Centre on the North Yorkshire coast, and to hear news of their week away in beautiful sunshine. More details of their activities are included in the additional story where it is clear how much they enriched their Science and Geography knowledge.

We also had many congratulations to offer in our Celebration Assembly.  We awarded our Well Done certificates to Year 1 and 2 girls and there were awards for the girls who took part in the Delancey Chess Megafinal at the weekend. The girls performed well and we look forward to hearing how Maia fares in the next round, the Gigafinal. Rebecca experienced further success for her piano playing.  She regularly accompanies our assembly hymns and we were delighted to award two trophies that she had won recently in the Cheltenham and Leamington Music festivals.

Prizes were also awarded for participation in the Duracell Big Battery Hunt. Our top ‘hunters’ were Aisha, Hannah, Nadia and Yasmin and we congratulated everyone who took part on the collection of 11,538 batteries which have all been sent for recycling. Edible prizes were offered to the classes and year group that collected the most too.  After such a successful campaign the girls are looking forward to the next Eco challenge.
Reception girls took their French learning outside in the recent sunshine.  They took Tilly, the doll, and spoke to her in French!  They then learnt the names of different types of food and looked around the playground for different colours!

Year 6 also ventured out of the classroom as they visited Harborne, on the bus, to purchase items for their Enterprise project. They are hoping to make a profit as they develop and sell their products.  Other enrichment units on journalism and art, working with artist, Rachel Duggan also began this week.
Sporting exploits this week saw our Year 6 Rounders team play Bromsgrove and all Year 3 girls compete in the Inter-House Gala.

We are looking forward to a range of royal activities on our Red, White and Blue Day on Friday as we offer our best wishes and congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan as they marry on Saturday.

Next week we look forward to the gala against Warwick Prep School on Thursday and to welcoming Year 1 parents to Open House on Tuesday and Year 5 parents to the Cranedale Assembly on Friday.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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