Welcome from
the Co-Chairs

Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to EHS Old Girls' Association.

I was asked recently if I would accept the position of Co-Chair of the organisation. I accepted willingly and am delighted to act in this role with Elizabeth Hartley who I remember from her school days!!

My principle role in school was as a Biology teacher. You may remember me for my love of penguins, stories of exciting holidays and enthusiasm about the Night Sky!!  I think about the girls that I taught over the years with great affection and am genuinely excited to be acting on your behalf in organising events, helping keeping you in touch with each other and also with this amazing school. 

I  genuinely invite you to get in contact with me if you have any interesting stories or anecdotes to share or, indeed, any reminisces about EHS at all!!

Very best wishes

Anne Lacey
OGA Co-Chair


I am delighted to be taking over as co-chair with Anne, or, 'Mrs Lacey' for those of us who had the pleasure of learning with Anne! We feel very excited to have taken on this position together and would like to extend our thanks to our predecessor, Lindsay Lucas, who enthusiastically led our association throughout the difficult past few years.

I have very fond memories of studying at EHS from 1997-2009. Most of my time was spent between the Music department and the Octagon, singing in choirs, playing in orchestras and acting in various dramatic productions. I am very much looking forward to seeing you at the events we will be hosting throughout the year not only to learn about your own journey at EHS, but to hear about your experiences afterwards.

On behalf of the OGA committee, we would like to thank you for your support.

Elizabeth Hartley
OGA Co-Chair

Laurels Association Headlines

Fallen Leaves - Lina Handa

11 Jul 2024: We are sad to announce the passing of a fellow Laurel, Lina Handa (née Passi) – Class of 1981  Lina often spoke fondly of her friends, teachers and memories...

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EHS LA Summer Lunch: Final Reminder for Tickets!

06 Jun 2024: There are still a few tickets available for our annual Summer Lunch, taking place this year on Saturday 22 June from 12.30pm - 3pm. We would love to see as...

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Laurel Leaves Magazine - We Need Your News

18 Apr 2024: We are about to begin work on our bi-annual magazine, Laurel Leaves! As always, we love to hear from former students and staff about what they have been up...

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Lakshya's Challenge

13 Jan 2023: We were delighted to welcome former pupil Lakshya Jain back to school to deliver an assembly to Senior School pupils.  Lakshya gave pupils a fascinating...

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