Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Meeting up for Macmillan


06 October 2023

In the Prep School we are always keen to support local and national charities. Last Friday, 29 September, was no exception when we took part in the World’s Largest Coffee Morning in support of Macmillan.

We were delighted to welcome parents from Westbourne and Prep first thing in the morning to join us for coffee and croissants. This was a really good opportunity for parents to meet up with friends, old and new.  

Our Charity Champion, Ava, was helped by Annika to host the event and they enjoyed talking to parents and collecting their donations.

Our pupils from Nursery to Year 6 also wanted to show their support of the worthy cause but preferred to have a chocolate rather than coffee morning!

With our Prep community working together we are delighted to be donating £450 to Macmillan.  Thank you to everyone involved.

Ava and Zahra, Charity Champions, are working on other events for the term ahead including our harvest produce collection for 19 October in Prep and 20 October in Westbourne, Wear it Pink on October 20 and Children in Need on November 17.  

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