Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Highlights from Nursery to Year Six

Westbourne | Preparatory

11 October 2024

It has been another wonderful week in Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep, packed with creativity, exploration and fun. The teachers have shared some of the exciting activities the girls have enjoyed this week. Don’t forget to take a look at the gallery below for pictures! 

Going Green! 

In Nursery, the girls’ learning was all about the colour green. The girls had so much fun exploring this theme through a variety of creative activities. They began by role-playing the rhyme “5 Little Speckled Frogs”, complete with frog headbands, hopping and singing along with excitement. Everyone was eager to show off their green treasures from home, sharing them with friends during circle time. The girls practised their fine motor skills as they threaded green, wooden leaves onto green rods.  In their mark-making, they made toy cars zoom through green paint, leaving behind streaks of green patterns. 

Pumpkins and Peppers 

The focus in Kindergarten has been the letter ‘p’. On Tuesday, the children set off on a visit to Harborne High Street. Some girls had written a letter to Paddington Bear asking him lots of questions, while others had written to David Attenborough to ask about penguins! The children found the Post box in the Post Office. As they continued their walk, they spotted some Police Officers who were please to stop and take advantage of a photo opportunity! The next stop was the supermarket to buy a pumpkin and some peppers. The girls have explored these further in the classroom, talking about the inside and outside of both. They have scooped out the seeds and flesh out of the pumpkin and completed careful observational drawings and paintings of the three peppers they purchased. In the supermarket, they also eye spied pasta, potatoes, pastries and porridge oats. What a fun sound walk! 

Ballet Lessons

Ballet lessons are part of the curriculum in Reception and girls were delighted to meet their new Ballet teacher Miss Harris.  They are always eager to have their weekly lesson and there was much excitement when Miss Harris arrived!  She quickly gained the trust of the girls, making the session both educational and fun.  Judging by the chatter and smiles after the lesson, a great time was had by all.    

Geography Detectives

Last Thursday, Year One explored the local area by walking to Chad square to support work in their History and Geography lessons. They were asked to be detectives and try to spot different types of houses and street furniture in their local environment. The girls saw detached and semi-detached houses as well as counting how many doors there were on a row of terraced houses. They also used their counting skills to see how many floors there were on the flats on Richmond Hill Road. As street detectives, they spotted lots of street furniture on their adventure too. We spotted a bus stop, post box, lamp posts and we talked about the need for double yellow lines! Fortunately, the weather was kind and our intrepid explorers enjoyed beautiful sunshine on their work.  

Subtraction Skills

The pupils in Year Two have been developing their subtraction skills in their Mathematics lessons.  They have been applying their understanding of place value and quick recall of number bonds to 10 to help them easily subtract some larger numbers - they have learned that they can apply their knowledge that 6 – 4 = 2 to quickly calculate that 60 – 40 = 20.  They have played ‘subtraction four in a row’, having fun whilst practising their subtraction skills within 20, and tried to achieve a new level in the Numbots mental Mathematics app.  Great Maths work Year Two! 

Tropical Sea Explorers

In preparation for their trip to the Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust, Year Three explored the fascinating history of canals in Birmingham. They also had a creative opportunity to choose the colours of their own trilobites. Since no one knows the true colours of these ancient sea creatures that thrived millions of years ago in the tropical seas of Dudley - now only seen as fossils in the region’s limestone caves, the girls enjoyed letting their imaginations run wild. The trip was a fantastic experience for all, and everyone came away with a deeper appreciation for both the history and the science behind their studies. 

Diving Into The World of Poetry

Year Four has been diving into the world of poetry in English. Inspired by Christina Rossetti's poem "What is Pink?” the girls have crafted some fantastic rhyming couplets that beautifully capture the colours of the rainbow. 

What is Red? 

What is red? A cherry’s red. 
Picked from its green, leafy bed. 
What is white? The snow is white.
Raining down slowly from a height. 
What is green? The leaves are green. 
Making the forest a beautiful scene. 
What is gold? The sun is gold.
Shimmering on the dark, silvery lake that is cold.

By Grace in Year 4

Allotment Inspiration

Year Five walked to our amazing EHS allotment this week. We are concentrating on developing our descriptive writing, especially when describing a story setting. Exploring the vegetables and nature area we took photographs for inspiration. Our focus was to identify something that a tiny person would use as a house and to find objects that could be used effectively. Luckily the weather remained dry and we were able to explore happily. Using the photographs the next day, each girl has written a super paragraph describing the home and setting the scene. The girls used PicCollage to present their work which is proudly on display in the Year Five corridor. Great work, Year Five!  

Unique Designs

In Art, our Year Six students have taken inspiration from the iconic Clarice Cliff, diving into her world of vibrant colours and bold designs. They have been using oil pastels and paint to replicate her famous art deco style, embracing the lively brushstrokes and stunning hues that define her work. In addition to these replicas, the students are also working on their own unique designs, which will soon be transferred onto ceramic trinket boxes—a true homage to Cliff’s legacy in ceramics. We are incredibly proud of their creativity for bringing this art form to life. Stay tuned for a glimpse of their beautiful ceramic creations in the coming weeks! 

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who took part in our Macmillan Coffee Morning held in September. As a result, a total amount of £355.64 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Research and we are so grateful to all of our families for generously supporting this charity.

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