Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Head's End of Term Message

Westbourne | Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form

12 July 2024

The end of the academic year seems to come ever more swiftly and as school falls quiet, I can reflect on the wonderful whirlwind of activities that have happened in the last few weeks. There have been concerts, performances, house events, many sporting activities, picnics, charity events, trips, student-led talks and, of course, a continuation of lessons and learning. We have celebrated the ‘top’ years of our school in two Prizegiving celebrations, and I was delighted to award Year 6 their prizes and congratulate all of them on being fabulous leaders of the Prep School. We look forward to welcoming many of them into the Senior School and wish everyone all the best.

We have also said goodbye, in an emotional service, to the brilliant Year 13, who have been exceptional leaders, committed members of the community and outstanding ambassadors. 

It has also been a term of farewell events for our much-loved retiring Headmistress of Prep and Westbourne, Mrs Hartley, after 15 years of unwavering service. Mrs Hartley is a truly dedicated headteacher; always on the playground at drop-off and pick-up time, always with the children asking them about their day and showing them how valued they are. She has been fantastically loyal and committed to the school and the pupils in her care. When I asked one of her pupils recently what she liked most about school, she thought for a very short moment, and then said very clearly and precisely, ‘Chocolate Concrete pudding, Playtime and Mrs Hartley’. There is no doubt that Mrs Hartley will be missed, but we wish her all the very best as she starts her next adventures in retirement.   

We also said goodbye to other teaching staff in our Final Assemblies:

-Mrs Samantha Parks, English
-Dr Damian Royal, Physics
-Mrs Yuzhi Jin, Mandarin
-Ms Lucia Garcia Rodriguez, MFL
-Mrs Su Mei O,Malley, Music
-Mrs Louisa Farrow, Classics
-Mrs Julie Cole, Textiles
-Dr Paola Olivetti, Classics
-Dr Matthew Yeo, History
-Mr David McDonald, Classics

We wish them all well as they head off to new schools, new ventures or, in the case of Mrs Farrow, retirement. They all leave with our heartfelt thanks and best wishes.
The summer break is always welcome, but my mind already turns to the next academic year, and I look forward to welcoming new and current pupils and staff in September. 

I wish everyone a restful and enjoyable summer.

Mrs Clare Macro

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