Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Farewell, Mrs Hartley

Westbourne | Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form

12 July 2024

In a heart-warming celebration marking her retirement after 15 years of dedicated service, the girls bid a fond farewell to their much-loved Headmistress, Sally Hartley. As the Head of Prep and Westbourne, Mrs. Hartley has left an indelible mark on our school and her retirement has been celebrated with a series of events that have showcased the admiration and affection of the entire school community. 

The last full week of term culminated in the spectacular ‘Mrs Hartley's Slowdown Hoedown’. This extravaganza performance involved all pupils from both Prep and Westbourne and brought to life some of Mrs Hartley's favourite things. The audience, consisting of parents and guests, was treated to a vibrant display of singing, dancing, poetry and acting. The event was filled with lots of smiles and laughter, plus a few tears, as everyone celebrated with Mrs. Hartley. 

The highlight of the performance was the whole school finale, featuring songs from The Lion King and a rousing rendition of the school song. The enthusiasm and energy of the girls was palpable, making it a truly unforgettable experience for all. 

The celebrations continued with a picnic (indoors!) that no amount of inclement weather could dampen. In honour of Mrs Hartley's favourite colour, everyone donned a red article of clothing or accessory, creating a sea of red that brightened the gloomy day. From Nursery to Year 6, students and staff alike enjoyed a picnic lunch filled with red treats, music and games. The sense of camaraderie and celebration was clear as the entire school community came together to honour Mrs. Hartley. 

The farewell events concluded with the final Prep assembly.Mrs Hartley was read a personalised version of Peace at Last, with contributions from all pupils! In a fitting tribute, she was presented with scrapbooks containing personal messages from each and every girl in the school. We know that these scrapbooks will be cherished as a heartfelt reminder of the impact Mrs Hartley had on each girl’s school life and the memories of her that they will take into their futures. 

As Sally Hartley retires, the school reflects on her remarkable contributions and the lasting legacy she leaves behind. Her leadership, dedication and unwavering care for the students have made her a beloved figure in the EHS community. The celebrations, filled with laughter and heartfelt goodbyes, are a testament to the deep affection and respect everyone has for her.   

We wish Mrs Hartley a very long, happy and healthy retirement. 

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