Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Joy and Celebration on Prizegiving Day

Sixth Form

12 July 2024

The sun shone down on the marquee for this year’s Year 13 Prizegiving Ceremony which promised joy, talent and emotion; and it delivered in spades.  

Opening the ceremony was the school's President, Sir Dominic Cadbury, who welcomed all to the occasion and congratulated the students on their successes. 

The outgoing Sixth Form Leadership Team reflected on the past year and were presented with an EHS book from Mrs Macro, who went on to further congratulate the Year 13 girls on their achievements throughout their EHS journey.

With the presentation of prestigious school cups and prizes in full swing, the marquee was alive with applause and smiles as parents, teachers, governors and students celebrated the accomplishments of such a fantastic year group.  

There was also talent aplenty from the Year 13s themselves, with Amelie Moylan singing a beautiful rendition of ‘Slipping Through My Fingers’ and a wonderful reading of ‘At the Theatre’ from Tea Ilic. An appearance from Jaimie James, the EHS Poet Laureate 2023, promised fun and laughter and certainly delivered with their original poem, followed by the String Ensemble delighting guests with their performance of the ‘Downton Abbey’ theme. 

Upholding tradition, all students were then presented with their Leavers Certificate and bespoke silver EHS brooch, followed by a truly passionate final performance of the school song.

Pictures on the sun-soaked fields captured memories for life, as the occasion came to a close. Thank you to all who attended, and good luck to our Year 13s as they anticipate results day in August!

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