Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


12 July 2024

Even though we are in the last few days of term girls in Westbourne have been busier than ever!

Last Friday, we performed our goodbye song to Mrs Hartley at her 'Extravaganza'. Reception girls joined with Kindergarten and Nursery to sing our song we had written especially for the occasion. Pupils were very excited to be performing in the Octagon again and parents were amazed at their confidence when speaking in front of the large audience.  
The last swimming lesson in Reception took place too and, as it was ‘free-play’ girls had a wonderful time making up water games with their friends. There was much laughter coming from the swimming pool!

Girls have embraced the opportunity to move up to their new classes this week, on Monday. Nursery girls enjoyed spending time in the Kindergarten classrooms talking about all the exciting activities they will be doing. Meanwhile our current Kindergarten spent the morning in their new Reception classrooms. They enjoyed meeting their teachers and spending time making many new friends.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful indoor picnic for Mrs Hartley. All the girls came wearing an accessory of red on them as it is her favourite colour. Even the lunch bags were red and white as a celebration!
Having been introduced to the Air Ambulance Rescue Service through our colouring competition we were lucky enough to visit the helipod in Prep playground, also on Tuesday. This was a wonderful experience for all the girls to see inside a real helicopter and talk to the staff about rescues.

Thank you to everyone in Westbourne who entered the colouring competition in support of the Midlands Air Ambulance service. Our winners are:

Nursery - Harleen
Kindergarten - Asiri
Reception - Mishal

Humaira in R5 was very proud to show the other girls her yellow stripe belt for martial arts. Well done Humaira! 

We wish everyone a happy holiday and look forward to seeing everyone in September and although our lovely Reception girls will be missed in Westbourne they have promised to come back and visit us!

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