Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A Festival of Sport

Westbourne | Preparatory

12 July 2024

At the end of last week the Prep School enjoyed a whole day of sporting events.

We began with Westbourne, the Pre-Prep, and the youngest girls in school. They arrived at the playing fields to a gathering of excited parents all ready to cheer them on. Nursery, Kindergarten, and Reception girls had lots of fun participating in a range of races. The time was filled with laughter, excitement, and a variety of activities designed to encourage physical development and teamwork. Well done, everyone!

In the second half of the morning it was the turn of Years 1 and 2 whose parents had also turned out in force to support them. Sporting their House-coloured T shirts the girls took part with much determination and energy. They enjoyed the running, skipping, hurdles, jumping and novelty races all helped by their House and Sports Captains. They also showed full support for all of the girls in their year groups. The winners of this section of Sports Day were Curie House.

In the afternoon Years 3 – 6 headed to the playing fields for their track events having taken part in their field events earlier in the week. The girls were even more competitive and keen to represent and cheer on their Houses. Again there were individual and team relays of different distances for each age group with the 600m races delivering particularly impressive performances. There were also several novelty races to add a little extra fun.

The support of parents throughout the day was very much appreciated and we were delighted to have refreshments available in support of the Senior Sports Tour to South Africa.

Well done to all staff and girls on a very successful and enjoyable day.

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