Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Head's End of Term Message

Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form | Parents

13 December 2024

It has been a wonderfully busy and energetic few weeks; there has been much singing and dancing, fantastic musical and theatrical performances, sporting success, an array of Christmas jumpers, Christmas door and wreath competitions, an outstanding poetry slam and Cognito Fair, awards assemblies, Christmas lunches, carol services, charity events and of course, the continuation of teaching and learning.  

There have been so many highlights this term but seeing the girls, from the youngest to the oldest, perform and lead with such confidence and enjoyment stands out. Girls across the whole age range are developing all the skills they need to be happy, successful, and ready for whatever they want to do in their lives. I am immensely proud to be the Head of Edgbaston High School for Girls and proud of all the girls and staff. Everyone works incredibly hard to create an environment where all can grow and flourish.  

The Girls’ School Association (an association to which I belong and that we support wholeheartedly as a school) recently celebrated 150 years and commissioned a film to celebrate this milestone. In this film not only are girls celebrated, but also the girls’ schools which exist to enable them to be who they want to be and to do whatever they want to do, without barrier or obstacle. Or, as the film shows so brilliantly, to become, “the Captains of their Ships.” Please do take the time to watch the film, spot the members of the EHS community with a starring role, and enjoy the feeling that I have every time I walk around EHS that we are creating an incredibly special environment for our girls to learn in. 


I thank you all also for your support this term and for attending the many events on offer; it has been lovely to see so many of you in school. I hope that you all have a safe, peaceful, and restful holiday period, and I look forward to welcoming your daughters back to school in January.  

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