Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Highlights from Nursery to Year Six

Westbourne | Preparatory

04 October 2024

It has been a wonderful week in Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep, packed with learning and laughter. The teachers have shared some of the exciting activities the girls have enjoyed this week. Don’t forget to take a look at the gallery below for pictures! 

Waterproofs and Wellies! 

The children in Nursery were thrilled to put on their waterproof coats, trousers, and wellies as they ventured to the outdoor classroom for the very first time! They had an amazing time stirring and pouring in the mud kitchen, working together in pairs on the seesaw, and challenging themselves by climbing on, in and over the tyres. 

Teddy Toast! 

There was much excitement in Kindergarten on Monday when our girls were invited to bring their teddy bears into school for Teddy Day! The girls spent time carefully observing, drawing and painting their teddies, looking in detail at their colours and shapes. Later in the day, the whole of Kindergarten came together to make teddy toast using wholemeal bread, bananas and raisins. There was even time in the day to take part in some teddy counting and number matching too!

 Rain Clouds! 

We have been graced by rain clouds throughout the week but, as ever, we have turned these into a learning opportunity! Reception have begun to learn digraphs this week. Digraphs are two letters that make up a single sound. The girls were introduced to five new digraphs, including ‘ai’ to make the word rain! The girls made their very own rain clouds which are now proudly displayed in the classroom. The activity reinforced the girls’ understanding of the ‘ai’ sound, was lots of fun and encouraged them to begin to use prompts in the classroom when writing independently. Great work, Reception!

Art Attack! 

Year One girls have enjoyed their Tuesday afternoon of Art Attack. Creativity is something we love at EHS. They have enjoyed using different mediums in their messy art. We have been looking at Autumn themes and decided it would be fun to make a clay hedgehog. 

The girls had to mould the clay to make the shape for their hedgehog and then make the spikes by sticking in matchsticks. Next week, we will bring them to life by painting them. Alongside their clay work, children practised their letters for their name cards and chose colours to go over them using cotton buds. 

They have also been continuing their binca work, practising their sewing. The girls are loving sewing and choosing colours that complement each other. Well done, Year One!   

Life in 1666

Year Two are thoroughly enjoying their History topic on the Great Fire of London and have been learning a lot about life in 1666 and comparing it to life today. The girls have been working on putting the events into chronological order and exploring how houses were built and constructed during that time. They even created impressive collages of a burning house! 

The children cannot wait for their next History lesson, where they will fully immerse themselves in life in 1666 through an interactive workshop. They look forward to sharing this exciting experience with you next week!   

Engineering Challenges and Co-Curricular Opportunities

What an exciting start to the term for Year Three! Over the past few weeks, the students have been diving into their new routines and enthusiastically embracing the array of extracurricular clubs available to them. 

In Construction Club, the girls have thrown themselves into thrilling Lego challenges, showcasing their budding engineering prowess. For their first challenge, they had to design a sturdy model using just 20 Lego bricks that could withstand a dramatic drop from a height. They quickly learned the art of strategic construction to ensure success! 

During games, Year Three girls have recently started learning hockey with some of them taking the opportunity to join hockey club to improve and enhance their skills. 

In Drama Club, the girls were asked to create a short improvisation using the stimulus ‘Help I’m stuck!’ After discussing possible scenarios and brainstorming ideas, they worked in small groups to create their short drama and performed to the rest of the drama group. It was lots of fun!    

Scientific Predictions 

Continuing their work exploring the properties of liquids, Year Four used their experience to make appropriate predictions before pouring 25ml of liquid from one piece of apparatus to the next. We discovered liquids do not change volume but do change shape. We are thoroughly looking forward to our experiments next week where we will investigate changing states... using ice lollies and chocolate buttons.  

Gunpowder Plot Drama 

In History, Year Five have been studying The Gunpowder Plot. Their prior knowledge of Guy Fawkes was good, but during our lessons they delved into who else was involved, why they wanted to destroy The Houses of Parliament and how the plot of the conspirators was foiled. With all this new knowledge, Year Five then put their acting skills to the test. They channelled their inner Guy Fawkes, King James I, Robert Catesby and Lord Monteagle to recreate a freeze frame of the eight most important events leading up to the events of November 5th. 

The girls thoroughly enjoyed using our new Multi-Purpose Drama Studio for the first time as well as choosing costumes which best suited the role they were playing. This was a fantastic opportunity for everyone to get involved and to show their Oscar winning performances as well as their historical knowledge.   

Agility on the Hockey Field

Our Year Six students have been honing their hockey skills this week, with a focus on dribbling and tackling! Through drills and practice, they have been improving their ball control, defensive techniques, and overall agility on the field. It has been great to see them develop confidence and focus while mastering these key elements of the game. Their determination and progress have been impressive! Keep it up, Year Six. 

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