Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Highlights from Nursery to Year Six

Westbourne | Preparatory

27 September 2024

It has been another fantastic week in Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep, filled with learning and fun. We hear from the teachers about some of the exciting activities the girls have got up to this week. Be sure to check out the gallery below for pictures.  

Going bananas in Nursery! 

In Nursery has been all about the colour yellow! The children were excited to bring in a yellow item from home to place on our yellow display table and share with their friends. We explored yellow lemons and bananas, and experimented with yellow paint in various creative ways. To end the week, we made delicious yellow lemon curd sandwiches together.   

Amazing apples in Kindergarten 

There has been a great deal of singing about ants and apples this week in Kindergarten as they have been focusing on the letter sound ‘a’. They were challenged to write their name inside an apple, cut it up and then glue it back together again! The children also took part in a taste test where they sampled three varieties of apples and had to express their likes and dislikes. Some great effort was made during some follow up writing too. 

Shapes galore for Reception, Years One, Three and Four! 

As part of their mathematical development, Reception girls have been learning about 2D shapes and their properties.  The magical part was when they discovered shapes were all around them and this was done by going on a ‘Shape Hunt’ around the school this week.  By recognising that a window is a rectangle, or a clock is a circle, girls have connected their learning to the real world.  To help solidify their understanding, they engaged in hands-on tasks such as cutting and sorting shapes in the classroom.    

Year One have also been exploring 2D shapes during our daily Mathematics lessons. They have been looking at the properties of circles, triangles, squares and rectangles and asking questions: How many corners do each of the shapes have? How many sides do they have? 

The girls have enjoyed looking around the classroom and the school for these shapes and the girls were amazed to discover how often these shapes are used in everyday objects! During our Art lesson, we continued our theme of 2D shapes and the girls have used their creativity to design some lovely pictures using the 2D shapes they learnt about in their Mathematics lessons. The girls created rockets, trains, the sun, flowers and Mabel created her own castle. Challenge your daughter this weekend to see how many 2D shapes she can find around her own house!   

Year Three explored 2D and 3D shapes in a hands-on and engaging way. They identified various shapes and studied their key properties, such as sides, edges, and vertices. By handling both 2D and 3D shapes, the students deepened their understanding of these concepts. A highlight of the week was constructing 3D shapes using cocktail sticks, straws and Polydron shapes, which allowed them to count edges and vertices in a tangible way. They also practiced sorting shapes and used multilink cubes to build models, reinforcing their learning through creative play and problem-solving.  

Year Four have started a new topic looking at symmetry. They had a practical lesson finding lines of symmetry and loved exploring road signs and shapes too. 

Eye-catching Year Two artwork! 

Year Two pupils have created some extremely ‘eye-catching’ artwork to support their work in Science lessons.  They enjoyed independently cutting and sticking coloured paper to create a collage eye before adding labels to explain their collage.  Adding the eyelashes and selecting the colour of iris they were most drawn to were highlights of the lesson!  This term the pupils are learning about their senses in Science lessons, the parts of the body associated with these and how the senses help them to navigate the world around them.  They have learned that we use our eyes to see, developed their scientific vocabulary by learning words such as ‘iris’ and ‘pupil’ and discovered that different parts of the eye have different functions.  Next  week they will be investigating how their pupils react to light and they will then focus on what it means to be blind.  

Year Five Inclusivity 

Year Five were delighted to enrich their understanding of Islam. Mrs Mohammed came to show the girls how she prays with her family and she recited a Muslim prayer. The girls were transfixed and afterwards asked some fantastic questions about the religion. It was wonderful to see her pray and develop a deeper understanding of another religion. Many of our Muslim girls were able to contribute too and happily shared their family traditions. It was a wonderful way to deepen our inclusivity and respect for each other in our school community.   

Two-minute topic talks in Year Six

Year Six enjoyed Geography two-minute talks, where different pupils each week choose a geographical topic of their choice to present to the class. This initiative encourages independent learning as students’ research and prepare their topics, while also helping them develop their presentational skills. It’s a fantastic opportunity for pupils to build confidence in public speaking, share their interests, and deepen their understanding of the world around them. Topics this week have ranged from the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs, bears, volcanoes and space. 

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