Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Head of Prep

Westbourne | Preparatory

20 September 2024

This week, from Nursery to Year Six, we have begun to work on embedding our key EHS Values: 

Courage | Creativity | Aspiration | Perseverance | Responsibility | Excellence | Inclusivity 

Being entrusted with the education of each and every child is such a responsibility, but I strongly believe it is more than simply ensuring we focus on academic subjects. If we are to prepare our girls for future success, we need to focus on their intellectual character so that they are well placed to navigate any challenges they may face. So, it was with great pride that we held our first Celebrating Assembly where the focus was on identifying ways in which our girls have demonstrated key EHS values this week and celebrating these. 

With these key values at the forefront of my mind, I have looked at the school with fresh eyes this week. Creativity was clearly evident in Year Five with their wonderful work producing Cubism portraits. These are proudly displayed on the walls of their classroom and I am hoping they might give me some top tips to help me produce one of my own. Year One have demonstrated aspiration in their Computing lessons, stretching and challenging themselves to code robots with the aim to become future electrical engineers and programmers. 

Our Kindergarten pupils have demonstrated courage by developing their gross motor skills during their balanceability lessons and Nursery have persevered to make marks using fruits and vegetables. Our Year Six girls have continued to display excellence with their positive attitude to their academic studies in preparation for their 11+ examinations whilst in Science they investigated the components of a circuit. 

The whoops of delight that came from the pupils (and staff) on the playground on Tuesday when we were visited by the local Fire Fighters and their Fire Engine was lovely to see. Our Year Two girls explored the rewards that come from the responsibility of keeping our country safe from fire, very different to the families who were living in London at the time of The Great Fire of London in 1666. 

With our warm and welcoming community, I would like to think that inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do at EHS Prep. But, where there is excellence, there should also be reflection and a desire to build and improve and develop. To this end, I have spent time speaking with Audrey Pantelis, our E.D.I. advisor this week and I am excited about what lies ahead. We will be working closely together over the coming year and I look forward to sharing ways in which our families, staff and pupils can all get involved. 

One of my favourite parts of my day is greeting families and pupils on the playground each morning. The smiles on the girls faces as they come onto the playground brighten my day and, despite the fact that the ‘heatwave’ may be coming to an end, I look forward to many more warm smiles and good wishes as the year progresses. Thank you to the entire EHS community for making me feel so welcome. We really have such a special school and all have an important part to play. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs Hobson 
Head of Prep 


Congratulations to: 
Kindergarten - Rumaysa M for Perseverance 

Reception - Izzah L for creativity         

Year One - Mabel N for Responsibility 
                - Cassandra D for Perseverance 

Year Two - Humairah I for Perseverance 
                - Lana H for Creativity 

Year Three - Mariam N for Creativity 
                  - Prani B for Excellence 

Year Four - Lujayne B for Perseverance 
                 - Inaya I for Courage 

Year Five - Genevieve H for Creativity 
                - Avanya D-S for Creativity
                - Nusayba A for Excellence 

Year Six - Clara L for Creativity 
              - Agniya G for Excellence 
              - Thea W for Perseverance 

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