Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

River Research at Carding Mill Valley

Senior School

20 September 2024

As part of our GCSE fieldwork, Year 11 Geography students went to Carding Mill Valley on Tuesday to investigate the Ashbrooke River. Upon arrival, we were greeted by beautiful V-shaped valleys, babbling brooks, interlocking hills and even sheep and Welsh ponies! 

We collected our equipment and began investigating the first site of the river, in the upper course. We measured the river’s width, gradient and depth, and then the speed of the river rapids by dropping a cork in the water and timing how long it took to travel 10 meters down the river. We also measured rocks in the river and noted down the rock shape using an index. Thankfully, no one fell in whilst collecting the research! 

We then continued this process further down the river at the middle course, before going to have our lunch. We were very lucky with the weather; it was a lovely, sunny day so we ate our lunch outside on the grass whilst admiring the views! 

Finally, we finished off our research with one last river site in the lower course. Of course, we couldn’t leave without a stop at the cafe to pick up some treats for the journey home. It was a great trip and really helped us to visualise what we were learning about in our lessons, by seeing the valley, river shape and types of rocks first hand. 

Ali C-L, Year 11 Student

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