Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from the Head of Prep


14 March 2025

I take great pride in celebrating our core EHS values within the Prep School, they run through the veins of school life and are an integral part of helping to create and nurture our EHS girls. I am often asked what makes our school so special and I can confidently say that it is our ethos and values that help give our girls an inner confidence to succeed. Our girls contain a unique confidence, not one of arrogance, self-importance or pomposity but a steely determination to succeed. They do this through self-belief brought about by a supportive and nurturing environment which encourages and celebrates a conscientious approach to every aspect of school life. 

Last Friday, a group of girls took part in a cross-country competition at a neighbouring independent school. The event was attended by a large number of co-educational schools from across the Midlands as well as by pupils from our close friend, West House School. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the event and to support our girls and I was not disappointed. Our girls were friendly, polite and supportive. They ensured they cheered on every single competitor as they crossed the finish line, regardless of which school they were from. 

However, what I was most proud of, was the way they conducted themselves when they were competing. They demonstrated a steely determination to do the best they possibly could and they did this through focus, hard work and an inner self-belief...and it worked! Our girls came away with silver and bronze medals and were the winners of the trophy for the most successful girls’ team overall. A fantastic result! 

For our girls, it is imperative that we do not underestimate the challenges that they will face in the adult world. Until there is equality for men and women, it is our duty to provide them with the experiences, values and skills to navigate these challenges and to equip them with the self-belief that they can achieve great things if they set their minds to it. At EHS Prep school our girls are the leaders, they are the pioneers, they are the dreamers, they are the change-makers. They can be whoever they choose to be, without the constraints of gender bias or inequality and I will continue to strive to provide a wonderfully happy and caring environment within which they can do so. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Hobson 


Amaisha Jamila for showing excellence in her writing activities this week. 
Nell for showing perseverance, trying hard every day. 

Nayantara for demonstrating perseverance and showing that she is willing to ‘have a go’ and keep going with her work. 
Aryana for showing the courage to work more independently in lessons. 

Year One 
Ava for demonstrating courage when jumping in the pool. 
Mabel for aspiration, taking care to produce beautiful handwriting. 

Year Two 
Lana for showing aspiration when using exclamation marks and full stops in English. 
Zara for demonstrating perseverance in swimming lessons. 

Year Three 
Rabeeyah for demonstrating excellence in her work on tally charts. 
Olivia for demonstrating inclusivity with her positive encouragement of all of the runners at the Hallfield Cross Country race. 

Year Four 
Ameerah for showing aspiration in all school subjects by being involved and interested in all lessons. 
Sanaaya for aspiration, always trying to improve her English, Mathematics and handwriting. 

Year Five 
Haneen for showing excellence with her newspaper article about children working in coal mines in Victorian Britain. 
Margot for showing courage when tackling her comprehension questions and working extremely hard to produce her best work. 
Saniya for excellence in computing when using excel. 

Year Six 
Natalia for demonstrating inclusivity by always ensuring all members of her Book Club group are included in discussions and text selection. 
Agniya for showing perseverance with her efforts in each and every one of the netball games played at Condover. 
India for behaving responsibly in her role as Form Captain this term. 

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