Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Message from New Head of Prep

Westbourne | Preparatory

06 September 2024

The start of the new academic year is an opportunity to start afresh. No more so than when you are new to a school. This week, we have welcomed nearly thirty new girls to Pre-Prep and Prep and it has been wonderful to share this new adventure with them. 

On Wednesday, we held our Start of Year assembly for all of our pupils from Kindergarten to Year Six. The beaming smiles on faces were wonderful to see and our Year Six girls clearly enjoyed welcoming our Kindergarten girls to the assembly. 

I am passionate about providing an exciting and stimulating learning environment for the pupils in our care and we are so fortunate to have such a dedicated and highly experienced team of staff. I tasked the girls with focusing on three key areas this academic year: 

1.    Be Kind
Kindness has been in evidence throughout the school this week. The staff have demonstrated incredible kindness welcoming me to the school with open arms and helping me find my way around. However, what has been even more humbling is the kindness that I have witnessed permeating every corner of our school. Older girls stopping to help younger ones who have hurt themselves, doors being held open for peers and their elders, warm smiles shared and ‘thank yous’ in abundance. 

2.    Be Smart
Taking pride in your appearance and the opportunity to wear the EHS Prep school uniform was something we discussed in our assembly and so I was bursting with pride when I witnessed the entire school preparing for our Whole School photograph on Thursday. It was an impressive logistical extravaganza and a wonderful snapshot of a moment in time. 

3.    Aim High
Academic excellence is at the heart of everything we do at EHS and the girls have shown their eagerness to learn this week. They have already begun to immerse themselves in tricky challenges and our Year Six girls have continued the preparation for the Senior school entrance examination which takes place in October. 

The very youngest members of our community have also made a wonderful start to the school year and I was treated to a joyous ‘Good Morning’ song, complete with sign-language, from our Reception children. With a teacher-led Nursery, our girls have a flying start to their education. As a result, by the time our girls reach Reception, their knowledge and understanding of letter and number formation as well as ability to apply phonic knowledge, is well above the national average. 

Fortunately, I have been well supported by staff, pupils and parents this week but am delighted that we have been in a position to appoint our new Head Girl, ably supported by two Deputy Heads. Congratulations to Charlotte (Head Girl), Jessica (Deputy Head) and Eliza (Deputy Head). I have no doubt that they will represent the school brilliantly. 
Mrs Nina Hobson 
Head of EHS Prep  

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