Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep's Glorious Gardening

Westbourne | Preparatory

20 September 2024

The new school term has started, and our Co-curricular programme is already up and running. The first Gardening Club session after the summer break was a success, helped by sunny weather that made the school allotment a great place to spend the afternoon. 

The girls involved were able to enjoy the results of what they had planted earlier in the year. They dug up potatoes and runner beans, and also harvested plenty of apples from the communal orchard. It was a rewarding experience to see the fruits of their labour from previous months. 

The pumpkins are also coming along nicely, and everyone is looking forward to our annual "Weigh the Pumpkin" competition, which takes place just before the half-term holidays. It’s always fun to see which pumpkin grows the largest. 

Gardening Club continues to provide students with a chance to enjoy the outdoors, learn more about growing their own food, and take pride in working together to maintain the school allotment. The Co-curricular programme is off to a positive start, and we look forward to more activities like this as the year goes on. 

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