Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Jeans for Genes Fundraising

Senior School | Sixth Form

20 September 2024

On Thursday, 19 September, the Senior School community came together in style to celebrate Jeans for Genes Day. Students donned their favourite denim, from a variety of styles of jeans to creative accessories like denim hairbands and jackets, all in support of an important cause.

Jeans for Genes day is an annual fundraising event, with all proceeds going to Genetic Disorders UK (GDUK). The money supports individuals and families affected by genetic disorders and helps fuel research into DNA patterns and genetic links, which not only provides families with much-needed answers but also brings hope for treatments in the future.

Fundraising for GDUK is essential. As the NHS explains, “Imagine being able to get a faster diagnosis based on your unique DNA code, be given personalised treatments that would be most effective for you and even preventing illnesses before they develop.” 

The total amount raised will be announced soon, but a huge thank you to everyone for their denim-clad support and contributions!

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