Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Highlights from Nursery to Year Six

Westbourne | Preparatory

20 September 2024

It has been another fantastic week in Nursery, Kindergarten and Prep, filled with learning and fun. We hear from the teachers about some of the exciting activities the girls have got up to this week. Be sure to check out the gallery below for pictures.  

Nursery See Red  

This week in Nursery, our theme has been the colour red. The children gathered various red items from around the classroom and placed them on our red display table. We explored red apples by cutting them in half and using magnifying glasses to observe the inside. The children then created apple prints using red paint. We also planted apple seeds in soil, watered them carefully, and will be taking them home to watch them grow. 

Kindergarten’s Marvellous Mud 

Girls in Kindergarten enjoyed some baking in the outdoor classroom, mixing soil and water together so that they could create mud pies. They added other exciting ingredients that they found including leaves, petals, twigs and pinecones to make their creations more interesting. Some girls decided to make cakes while others rustled up some pancakes using their sieves, whisks and frying pans! After being so busy in the kitchen they were rewarded with a turn on the spinning seesaw! 

Reception Shines with Phonics 

Phonics the word here in Reception this week. By focusing on phonics knowledge and early writing, Reception pupils here at EHS, gain the confidence to read and write independently.  We are so proud of their achievements already and so are they!

Year One Gets Programming  

Year One have been using BEEBOTS in their Computing lessons. The girls were challenged to move their BEEBOT without pushing it, unknowingly programming it to perform tasks like going through a tunnel and doing a 360-degree turn. The final challenge was to move the BEEBOT across the carpet and stop it near the wall without crashing. 

They loved their first programming lesson and are excited to try princess mazes and take their BEEBOTS shopping on a virtual street in the weeks ahead. Who knows? We may have future female programmers and coders in the making! Well done, Year One! You were AMAZING!! 

Year Two Explores Firefighting  

Year Two are learning about The Great Fire of London in their History lessons and wanted to compare firefighting in 1666 with the current day. Local firefighters Caroline, Andy, Elliott and Theo visited EHS and gave the children lots of useful information on fire safety. Mrs Gillott was even challenged to dress herself in one of the firefighter's uniforms as quickly as the real firefighters would in an emergency. We all had the opportunity to sit in the fire truck and discover what is stored in the fire engine lockers and how the fire fighters use it to put out fires and save those in danger. 

We now have a much greater appreciation of how lucky we are to have such an amazing fire service in 2024! 

Investigating Rocks for Year Three 

As part of their Science work on rocks, Year Three girls have been exploring the different types of rocks and their characteristics. They used Seesaw to photograph and describe various rock samples, capturing their unique features. Additionally, the girls had a hands-on experience with a large collection of rocks, which allowed them to examine and investigate the rocks up close, deepening their understanding of the subject. 

Secret, sweet treats for Year Four 

This week, Year Four began their topic work by asking the question ‘Why do people have special places to visit and why do they go there?’. They have been looking at the different places the children have – bedrooms, gardens, tree houses and grandparents' houses. They found out that they are special because they feel safe, peaceful and quiet; they can have thinking time and can secretly store sweet treats! 

Year Five’s Creativity with Cubism  

Year Five started their topic on Cubism this week. We are looking forward to experimenting with the style and to begin to learn about cross hatching, stippling and shading. This week we had great fun and used our creativity skills to fragment a photograph, making it look as though the portrait had been dropped and had shattered! The results are super and have been displayed in the classrooms for all to see. 

The Super Scientists of Year Six 

In Year Six Science, we have launched an exciting new topic on electrical circuits, where students are exploring how electricity flows, understanding the components of a circuit, and even building simple circuits to see them in action. Through hands-on experiments and collaborative projects, they’re developing a strong foundation in this important area of physics, sparking curiosity and problem-solving skills. Great work, Year Six! 

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