Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Reception Mystery Writing


17 May 2024

A strange package arrived in Reception on Tuesday morning. A box was delivered and placed outside one of the classrooms and when we opened it up, we discovered a green, cracked egg inside! We had no idea what had been inside the egg, but Reception girls were fantastic at using their imagination and writing their own version of events.  

A few examples of their ideas were:

The postman delivered a crocodile egg but we don’t know what it was. We wonder what was in the box. It was a crocodile. It went to K1 and played with their toys.

A man brought a box. We didn’t know, but Miss Stokes brought it in. We opened the box. Then we sang a song. It was a caterpillar inside. It went to the vet all day but it was tired. He turned into a butterfly.

A man delivered a box to the classroom and we opened it and there was an egg and it was green so we looked at it and we thought it was a crocodile egg. We looked for it but we did not find it.  We will keep the box until we find the crocodile.

We found a box with a green egg inside. I think the egg came from a Stegosaurus. Mrs Goodman brought the box upstairs. We opened the box and a dinosaur jumped out of the box.

We look forward to hearing more of the Reception girls’ creative writing and to hearing what was in the egg!

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