Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 5's Cranedale Experience


17 May 2024

It was a very excited coach full of girls who set off from school on their adventures on Tuesday 7 May. Bags were packed, anticipation was high and there was a buzzing of chatter as we pulled away! This carried on throughout the journey then on arrival in north Yorkshire the girls settled into their dorms and prepared for the week ahead. 

What an adventure was to be had! 

Our scientific and geographical knowledge was to be enriched in so many ways. The day trip to the beach involved looking at the causes of coastal erosion and seeing the stack, arch and cave first hand. Walking through a small arch to emerge out of the other side was so much better than looking at a photograph. Investigating rock pools and finding creatures also caused endless enthusiasm. 

Survival skills were needed in the woods and we looked at food chains. In a fun way, the girls learnt about herbivores and carnivores, deadly diseases and humans all having an impact on the environment. 

The first puffin spotted at Bempton, the lapwings in the fields and the sustainable farm were all fantastic experiences too. The girls thoroughly enjoyed pond dipping and found a multitude of different water based insects to observe. An enjoyable time was also had around the fire circle where the girls made a flat bread cooked on an open fire, and scooped out and tasted fresh honey from the honeycomb.

Our thanks to the Tutors at Cranedale and the staff who accompanied us. A thoroughly successful trip, taking education out of the classroom and developing all important team-building skills with an excellent group of girls.

The Cranedale Experience never disappoints!

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