Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

13 Jul 2018: Diary Dates Lunch Menus  - w/c 3 September

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13 Jul 2018: Dear Parents The end of term is here and we have arrived at this point in a haze of activity! The good weather has meant that we have...

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13 Jul 2018: On Monday 9 July, EHS held its first Inspirational Women Day to celebrate the achievements of female pioneers from all walks of life, all...

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13 Jul 2018: The summer is finally here! If you’re worrying about how to fill those weeks, fear not - this is a list of some of the latest books available...

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13 Jul 2018: The end of term is always busy as we enjoy final activities and make preparations for the holiday and this year was no exception. Last...

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13 Jul 2018: The following Senior and Sixth Form girls have been commended for their excellent work during the Summer Term: Subject Name ART Excellent...

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13 Jul 2018: The EHS Holiday Club provides an exciting range or art, creative and games activities for EHS girls and their sisters. With a range...

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13 Jul 2018: This year, Reception girls extended their term’s topic on all creatures Great and Small with a special away day to the Safari Park. The...

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06 Jul 2018: Having worked very hard in preparation for their ESB examinations the girls in Year 4 were delighted to present their work to their parents...

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06 Jul 2018: On Monday 2 July, four enthusiastic Year 12 girls set off on a two-hour journey to the Royal Holloway University of London, on the outskirts...

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06 Jul 2018: Year 3 girls have been learning the skills of paint mixing in Art over the last few weeks.   This week they used these skills to recreate...

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06 Jul 2018: Girls in Year 9 participated in the annual careers competition. They investigated a breadth of career opportunities within the largest...

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06 Jul 2018: On the evening of Wednesday 27 June, girls in Year 12 were treated to a magical outdoor cinema night in Prep playground. There was a plethora...

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06 Jul 2018: At the end of a busy academic year with school exams, SATs, GCSE and A Level exams, there is nothing better than having a cuddle with a...

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06 Jul 2018: This term ended with Years 7-10 solving mathematical problems in the form of a treasure hunt down on the school field. The weather was...

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06 Jul 2018: As part of their History curriculum Year 3 enjoyed a Viking Day this week. They all dressed as Vikings and took part in a range of activities...

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06 Jul 2018: Last week from the 21 - 25 June, the ‘Cheerios’ and ‘Pink Power Puffs' (a total of 11 girls) embarked on their Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition.  This...

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06 Jul 2018: Don't know what to read next? Stuck reading the same books over and over? Want a suggestion you can trust? These top picks will include...

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: By Iram I would like to share my achievement of achieving the pledge of £1000 which I made with my friend in September. We decided to...

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: After the success of our 100km in May challenge last year, we are back for another month long challenge.  The challenge is open for all...

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: The girls in Nursery have spent a royal week with activities based on ‘The Queen of Hearts’ rhyme.  They began the week with an assembly...

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: Our Year 13 Leadership Team got this week off to a great start with two important messages in their assembly: Kindness Counts and Gratitude...

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: Year 2 girls were certainly filled with the joys of spring this week as everyone returned to learning in the classroom. They also focused...

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: ART Monica Liao (8G) For her superb drawing of a pumpkin. Monica researched her own...

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: Finding the time to help your children get organised to study and revise isn’t always easy. So to ease the burden, we’ve teamed up with...

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: It's always fascinating to find out what former pupils go on to do and as a school, we're always keen to raise awareness of the sorts of...

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: Since GDPR regulations came into effect, we are unable to initiate contact with Old Girls without prior consent. As such, if you know of...

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: To mark the end of their University Preparation Week, Year 13 students were treated to an Afternoon Tea in school on Friday afternoon. Students...

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: As the Year 6 Prep girls did not travel to France this year, we decided to give them a flavour of France in school. They took part in...

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