Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

22 May 2020: Year 11 were welcomed 'back' to school this week. They were given an amazing emotional ‘Goodbye’ assembly from Mrs Mooney, Head of Year...

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22 May 2020: Our first assembly of the week was on International Museums Day, 18 May. This event is celebrated all over the world in over 130 countries...

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22 May 2020: In the Preparatory School each term we set the girls an independent learning challenge which lasts for the term.  We have been delighted...

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22 May 2020: Our legendary House Bake Off will be one with a twist this year as we stage our first ever virtual competition.  Senior School Houses,...

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22 May 2020: 20 May is traditionally known as national Thank A Teacher Day. Working remotely has been a challenge for everyone as we would much rather...

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22 May 2020: By the end of week 2 of this challenge we had covered over 750km, with both pupils and staff working towards their own personal goals....

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22 May 2020: Our peacock neighbours from the Botanical Gardens are definitely missing the girls being at school and have been seen several times in...

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22 May 2020: In Year 6, the girls are asked to undertake an individual project on a subject of their choice. They can choose to extend their knowledge...

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22 May 2020: We are pleased to bring you 'Edge', a new version of the Senior School magazine, showcasing highlights from the last term. Download...

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15 May 2020: At the start of the month Mrs Crimp, Deputy Head Curriculum, launched the Wildlife through the Window competition. The challenge was to...

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15 May 2020: When we are in school girls are given reflection time each week and last week was no exception for Year 6 pupils whilst at home. They were...

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15 May 2020: After an entertaining email chat with two Year 11 students, we thought it might be a good idea to run a ‘Theatre Club’ during lockdown....

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15 May 2020: Miss Deacon, Prep School History Co-ordinator working with Senior School, prepared a range of optional activities to celebrate VE Day during...

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15 May 2020: During their spare time in lockdown, we have been very pleased to see many girls taking the opportunity to stay busy, trying out new ventures...

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15 May 2020: In Reception this term the focused topic is Creatures Great and Small. The girls have already designed a pet bed and have made a passport...

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15 May 2020: In week 1 of the 100km in May challenge, pupils and staff at EHS had covered over 240km. In the second week of the challenge, it has been...

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08 May 2020: Even though we’re not in school right now, nothing could stop us celebrating ‘VE Day 75’ at EHS. With that in mind, the History Department...

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08 May 2020: The interactive class meetings and additional opportunities for teachers to talk directly to their pupils have gone well this week and...

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08 May 2020: This term would have been an opportunity for all of our music ensembles from both Prep and Senior School to take part together in our EHS...

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08 May 2020: Our Wildlife through the Window competition draws to a close this week and we have been delighted by some truly fantastic entries from...

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08 May 2020: Girls and staff have started their challenge to walk or run 100km, or cycle 200km. Their distances are being tracked by pupils when they...

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01 May 2020: At the start of this week we re-launched the Senior School Co-curricular programme. The new line-up features some classics as well as some...

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01 May 2020: This month, the P.E. department are challenging all pupils (and staff) to either walk or run 100km, or cycle 200km throughout the month...

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01 May 2020: The Year 13 Green Reps, Emily and Kiran, composed and shared a special message of encouragement for Senior School pupils as this testing...

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01 May 2020: Last week saw Mrs Crimp, Deputy Head Curriculum, launch her Wildlife through the Window Competition. Girls are challenged to photograph...

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01 May 2020: Wednesday's assembly was given by Mr Smith and focused on the new EHS Challenge Badge. We were delighted to see him demonstrating his new-found...

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01 May 2020: Mrs Park’s Year 7 English group have been looking at the poem ‘Macavity: The Mystery Cat’ by T.S. Eliot. Mrs Park chose the poem as many...

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01 May 2020: We started this first full week back by marking Morse Code Day which takes place on April 24 each year. This year it seemed very significant...

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01 May 2020: Our Year 6 pupils were due to spend a week in France this week but due to the current situation with coronavirus were unable to go. So,...

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: By Iram I would like to share my achievement of achieving the pledge of £1000 which I made with my friend in September. We decided to...

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: After the success of our 100km in May challenge last year, we are back for another month long challenge.  The challenge is open for all...

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: The girls in Nursery have spent a royal week with activities based on ‘The Queen of Hearts’ rhyme.  They began the week with an assembly...

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: Our Year 13 Leadership Team got this week off to a great start with two important messages in their assembly: Kindness Counts and Gratitude...

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: Year 2 girls were certainly filled with the joys of spring this week as everyone returned to learning in the classroom. They also focused...

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: ART Monica Liao (8G) For her superb drawing of a pumpkin. Monica researched her own...

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: Finding the time to help your children get organised to study and revise isn’t always easy. So to ease the burden, we’ve teamed up with...

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: It's always fascinating to find out what former pupils go on to do and as a school, we're always keen to raise awareness of the sorts of...

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: Since GDPR regulations came into effect, we are unable to initiate contact with Old Girls without prior consent. As such, if you know of...

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: To mark the end of their University Preparation Week, Year 13 students were treated to an Afternoon Tea in school on Friday afternoon. Students...

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: As the Year 6 Prep girls did not travel to France this year, we decided to give them a flavour of France in school. They took part in...

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