Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A Teatime Treat


03 February 2023

On Thursday evening a large audience of parents and friends was truly entertained by some of our musicians from Years 3 and 4.

Our programme of Teatime Concerts usually takes place in the Music School but we had so many enthusiastic entrants that we relocated to the Octagon which was the perfect venue for the event.

There were 46 performers who gave very confident performances of their prepared pieces whether they were singing or playing an instrument.  Our concerts also contain musicians with very different levels of experience and we enjoy seeing the mix of beginners and more experienced musicians and then watching them develop and flourish over the coming terms.

The concert featured a number of vocalists and piano players and there were also performances on guitar, flute, recorder, violin, cello and harmonium to enjoy.  Our Teatime concerts are usually for soloists but we were treated to a number of duets too.  Several were piano duets and we had a vocal duet too singing a lively song which made us smile out loud.

Well done to all of the girls who performed so well.

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