Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Digital leaders

Senior School

06 March 2020

The Childnet Digital Leaders Programme is a youth leadership training programme that encourages pupils to educate their peers about online safety.

Leaders complete training on an interactive, informative and fun gamified platform. They work through online modules, equipping them with the skills they need to go on to educate and support their peers. Here, Year 10 pupil Indira Jagpal from the EHS Digital Leaders Team shares some information based on a recent phishing attack via Instagram and warns against falling for similar scams.

Recently there has been a phishing hack sent on Instagram through messages from friends, claiming that something was made for you. It can be sent multiple times and looks very realistic. You should not click on this link if it is sent to you. However, this is just one of the many links sent to people, which are easy to fall for. The hack apparently asks you to sign into your Instagram account again, and when you do so they have the ability to take over your account and access private data. If you click on the link change your password on the app. In order to avoid clicking on these suspicious links follow the following steps:

1.    Always research a link before clicking on it, as hacks may have been reported online.
2.    Think before clicking on links, even through friends, because you never know if they actually sent it.
3.    Contact your friend on another platform to double check they sent the link.
4.    Avoid clicking on links from people you don’t know.
5.    If you are ever asked for personal details leave the site.

On behalf of the Digital Leaders Team, stay safe online and keep up to date with these articles for more information.

By Indira Jagpal

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