Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 9 gear up for Duke of Edinburgh award

Senior School

17 November 2017

On Tuesday 14 November, Ms López and Mrs Griffiths organised an information evening for girls and their parents on the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This year, the majority of our Year 9 pupils are taking part and have started some of their D of E Bronze Award sections.

We invited Jo Huck, our Regional Operations Officer, to talk to students first, where girls had the opportunity to register and log in into the electronic site of the D of E. A more user-friendly website for tablets and phones is now available (, added to the one we have been using until now (

A range of key areas were explained and discussed with both girls and parents including how parents can be actively involved in the process. As Christmas is fast-approaching, we thought that it was a good idea to showcase some of the key kit for the expedition so girls can add it to their wish list for Father Christmas!

For those parents that could not attend the event, the presentation is available in our Portal section.

Ms López

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