Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Dungeons & Dragons Club is Back in the Library!
26 March 2021
After various lockdowns and restrictions, Miss Lee, Mrs Cardellino, and Mr Rees are thrilled to announce that Dungeons & Dragons club is back up and running – now with improved character cut outs with stands!
While the club is now at max capacity, feel free to pop in and watch the games unfold as the groups tackle a group of small lizard people, a group of goblins in a swamp, and vicious orcs in the snowy north. All are welcome to watch!
Should you be interested in joining Dungeons & Dragons club, you will have to patiently wait until September 2021 when we reschedule the times for the club. You have to be Year 9 and above to join but Miss Lee is free to explain how the game works to younger years during break and lunch time!
In the photos you can see our Year 10 group facing off against a horde of Kobolds (little lizard folk) who have ambushed them and want a certain item back!

Dungeons & Dragons
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