Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

EHS supports Children in Need

Westbourne | Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form | Parents

24 November 2017

Throughout Prep and Senior School this week students and staff have marked the BBC Children in Need charity appeal.

At the start of the week, the Prep School’s campaign to raise money for Children in Need began when Charity Representatives, Hafsa and Ruby, launched a competition to design a new outfit for Pudsey or Blush, the charity’s mascots. The next step was the sale of merchandise donated by a parent which included several boxes of ‘ears’ and wristbands. The girls had also been busy making badges which were a popular item in Prep.

Activities in school culminated on Friday 17 November, Children in Need Day. In the Preparatory School, girls and staff from Nursery to Year 6 came dressed in spotty clothes. During assembly there was great excitement as the prizes for the ‘design an outfit’ competition were awarded by Hafsa and Ruby who were delighted with the response they had received. Reception girls also had a nice surprise when Pudsey made an unexpected visit to their classrooms. The girls were all excited to hear that their fund raising efforts had raised an impressive £750!

In Senior School, for £1 entry to the Octagon, girls were able to enjoy lunch time entertainment in the form of the annual Talent Show, as well as raise money for an extremely worthy cause.

The event started with a bang as Year 11 student Kiranjyot warmed up the crowd by playing the drums, raising the roof of the Octagon. Our panel of judges Dr Weeks, Miss Roye and Mrs Ehiogu were then treated to an array of talents from the girls, ranging from card tricks with Aliza the Magnificent, singing from our very own Soul Sisters Davina and Indira, 007 duo Cicely and Georgina, a Year 7 dance troop, Charlotte’s gymnastic dance display and even stand-up comedy from Year 8!

Kiranjyot ended the show with another bang, delivering a final performance on the drums and the crowd jumped out of their seats to congratulate her on winning first place! A huge thank you must go to the Sixth Form Charity Reps Aman, Humaira and Ruby who hosted the show and not forgetting charity mascots Pudsey and Blush.

Senior School staff are still counting the final amount raised, but it will be an excellent contribution to the overall EHS effort and will benefit children in need around the world and round the corner.

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