Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
EHS Talks: Dr Jawad Discusses Feminism in Islam
24 September 2021
We are delighted to resume our popular EHS Talks lecture series and look forward to introducing you to the University of Birmingham’s Dr Haifaa Jawad.
Respected Muslim Scholar and Senior Lecturer Dr Jawad has kindly agreed to be the next keynote speaker in our EHS Talks series and will talk about feminism in Islam, women in Islam and the portrayal of Islam in the media. The talk will take place via Teams on Thursday 30 September at 4.00pm. In closing, Dr Jawad will take questions from the audience.
EHS Talks take place each half term and are aimed at broadening horizons and introducing EHS students to a wide range of ideas, issues, possible career options and experiences. Former EHS Talks have included Greenpeace activists, artists, medical and political leaders, as well as household names like journalist, Kate Adie and explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
Everyone is welcome to attend what promises to be an enlightening and fascinating talk. Mr Smith will circulate the Teams link to all students before the talk. If parents and guests would also like to attend, please contact Mr Smith