Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Election Time

Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form | Parents

28 June 2024

It will not have escaped your notice that there is a General Election taking place this Thursday 4th July. We are looking forward to holding our own mock election in school, and the girls are busy preparing to put forward the ideas of the main political parties and then we will all 'vote' later in the day.

In the run-up to the election, various hustings events have taken place in the Edgbaston constituency, including one recently at Blue Coat School. You might be interested to view the video link below which contains an excerpt from that event.

As a charity, we adopt a position of neutrality on matters of a political nature. However, we are permitted to defend our sector against any policy that might impact the advancement of our charitable activities. The views expressed in relation to the potential adding of VAT to school fees was raised. The full list of candidates standing in the Edgbaston constituency are readily available and most easily accessed by searching ‘Edgbaston Candidates 2024’ and accessing the BBC website. 

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