Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


28 June 2024

Our very busy week began with ABRSM Music examinations for a number of Prep girls. These were closely followed by our Annual Summer Charity Fair on Prep playground for girls from Reception to Year 6. The playground was a hive of activity with a huge number of games and activities to be enjoyed.  We will announce the total being donated to our chosen charity, West Midlands Air Ambulance at the end of term.

We have also invited parents to a number of events this week. Both 3K and 3L performed assemblies for their parents. The girls shared a snapshot of the work they have covered, the clubs they have taken part in during the year and the challenges that moving from Year 2 into Year 3 brought. This included the extra 42 steps up to their classrooms! The girls gave confident performances on both days.  

Parents from Years 4 and 5 joined us for a taster of the residential trips ahead in the next academic year before attending their respective House galas. The winning House will be announced at the end of term once all points have been added together and the excitement has been building during the last few weeks.

Year 6 girls have continued their programme of Enrichment with two additional activities this week.  Mrs Aston gave a demonstration of dog agility which she takes part in regularly and competitively with her two dogs, Parker and Willow. The girls also had the opportunity to visit the 3D printer in Senior School. This hands-on experience has formed a key part of their work on 3D modelling in the computing curriculum.

The week continued to offer more opportunities with two events on Thursday. Year 5 enjoyed a visit from Professor McGinty whose workshop helped to bring their Victorian History lessons to life.  Several girls were also involved in the melodrama.

Meanwhile Year 2 girls were entertaining their parents in the Octagon with their minibeast themed concert.  The girls had clearly enjoyed learning about the tiny creatures as they gave most enthusiastic performances in all of their songs. Everyone left the concert with a favourite playing in their heads.

As the end of term approaches we are certainly not slowing down with our Year 6 Leavers’ celebrations to look forward to and Sports Day.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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