Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Celebrating Father's Day


21 June 2019

Having performed a special Mother’s day Assembly in the Spring Term the Reception girls did not want to leave their Dads out.

On Friday 14 June, they invited their Dads to a special Reception breakfast where they served up some morning treats. The Dads were very impressed by their daughters’ waitressing skills and had a good time talking to the other Dads. They enjoyed the event so much that they would like us to hold a special Friday breakfast every week!

Meanwhile girls in 1A were entertaining their parents to a class assembly on the same theme.  The girls sang a specially written song and each read out some facts about their Dads. Some lovely pictures they had drawn accompanied the readings. This was followed by a performance of the story Peace At Last!

The assembly was a good treat in advance of the Father’s Day and we hope that the girls carried out their promises of serving breakfast in bed, walking the dog, doing the garden and letting them watch football in peace.

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