Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Lights! Camera! Action! One Day Film Comes to EHS
18 June 2021
And just when you thought our Year 11's were not talented enough, Wednesday was their chance to shine in the limelight once more, with a One Day Film Workshop run by The Young Film Academy. The girls spent the morning learning the History of Film and practising the art of fight choreography with the superb and extremely talented Josh and Graham. With TV credits like Holby City and film credits like Avatar to their names, the girls were in the most expert of hands.
Practising their knowledge of different camera angles, learning the art of three shot films, and understanding editing techniques and adding music to their scripts the girls had the most amazing morning exploring the world of film. The guys were on hand to help their hone their skills and their imaginations ran wild with dramatic scenes worthy of any Hollywood blockbuster, culminating in making a short film with titles such as Identity Theft, Karma, Steal my Girl and Stolen Love Letter.
This was all to prepare for the afternoon challenge of writing/ filming/ editing/ directing a short ten shot film. The girls were phenomenal in their approach, their ideas fascinating, their story telling mesmerising and they all produced an Oscars worthy performance. A million miles away from their iPhone selfies and TikTok dances, Mrs Macro and the Film guys judged their films and awarded the Oscar for Best Film to the stunningly beautiful and moving romantic film “The Rose Garden” starring and created by Molly, Lowry, Marie Eve, Anna, Savannah and Sienna.
Well Done girls! Another incredible day! Spielberg better watch out!
And, also, don't forget, in a few year's time, in your Oscar's acceptance speech to thank Miss O'Hare and Mrs Lee who were there with you right at the beginning!
Miss O'Hare and Miss Hayday

Film Academy
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