Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep

Westbourne | Preparatory

05 June 2020

We hope that everyone enjoyed the half term break. It is nice to be back to some routine and also to have welcomed back some of our girls in Westbourne, Year 1 and Year 6. Seeing girls arriving and hearing them chatting gives a little normality to what is far from a normal situation.

We began the week with a separate Celebration Assembly for each year group in Prep. We celebrated the great work girls had completed on our off curriculum day on Oceans just before half term.  It was clear that the activities had been enjoyed and Miss Robinson, Mrs Aston and I were most impressed by the range of creative skills the girls demonstrated.  There was art and craft work, poster making, acrostic poems, fishy tales, fact files and ocean themed T-shirts to admire.

It is clear that girls’ independent learning skills are developing well as are presentation skills.  The video presentations made by the girls gave more weight to their environmental messages to help to save our oceans.  We hope that girls in each year group have also had a look at the work of the year group on the Padlet.

Mrs Aston took one of the questions posed on our Oceans Day for our Thursday Assembly too. She had asked for any responses to ‘What if fish had legs?’ She really enjoyed the creative presentations that followed this and she shared many of the responses which came in art or written form.  

There have been more entries to our Independent Learning challenges based on Monopoly. Since half term there have been a number of new projects submitted. The themes of the latest entries include Favourite Places, Harry Potter, Australia, Disney, Animal Crossing and Zoopoly, made out of Lego bricks. We hope families having enjoyed playing the new versions of the popular game.

In addition to the Maths and English and core work there have been other opportunities for girls to extend their knowledge this week too. Year 3 were challenged to decipher Anglo Saxon runes and then to write some of their own whilst Year 4 wrote front page news on the Spanish Armada. In Year 6 there were some very imaginative answers to the question, ‘If you could choose to be any animal what would you be?’  I hope Year 6 will enjoy the additional weekly Quiz competitions that are in place too.
I close this week encouraging girls to continue to work hard and to demonstrate their best work.

Mrs Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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