Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News from Prep
11 June 2021
After enjoying, the half term break girls were clearly pleased to return to school with just a few busy weeks left until the end of term. There has certainly been lots going on this week in addition to classroom lessons with much learning beyond the curriculum.
Year 1 girls had a most enjoyable day learning all about puppets as part of their extended topic on toys. They were able to learn how puppet shows work, make their own puppets and then have an opportunity to perform with them.
Science work gave Year 2 the chance to visit the school allotment for a minibeast hunt. They have been studying these creatures in Science, singing about them in Music, doing some Art and research work too. This will culminate in a minibeast concert when girls will have an opportunity to share their learning.
As they were unable to go to Culmington Manor for the residential trip, adventure has come to EHS for Year 4 girls. They are spending two days off curriculum engaged in a number of different exciting activities at the school playing fields. We will report further on their adventure next week.
Enrichment activities for Year 6 have included squash and tennis coaching and further entrepreneurial opportunities.
We have also focused on the environment this week, at home and globally. We marked both World Environment Day and World Oceans Day. The girls have been considering what they can do to help restore and protect the eco systems around us. They have also been challenged to think ahead of School Grounds week, which starts on Monday 14 June at how they can improve our own immediate location.
We congratulate Amelia who was our first Morning Musician this term as we have recommenced our Music programme in assemblies. Amelia played her flute for us very confidently even though she found it strange playing to any empty Prep Hall. Well done Amelia.
Westbourne girls have also started the half term with an exciting hands-on workshop where they were able to meet a number of very unusual animals including a snake, barn owl, gecko and tarantula. The workshop was followed by a number of activities in the classroom.
We have ended the week with our Celebration Assembly. Girls in Year 1 and 2 received Well Done certificates and Class 4N was awarded a Headteacher’s certificate for their wonderful portraits produced during Tudor Day. We will soon be announcing the winners of our Prep Musician of the Year Competition and are looking forward to hearing the adjudicator’s comments. Well done to all of the girls who auditioned.
We are also looking forward to all of the other events to come this term.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

Prep News - 11 June 2021
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