Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep

Westbourne | Preparatory

13 September 2019

The girls and staff have been settling back into new routines in this, the first full week of the new academic year. It is clear that the girls are happy to be back with their friends and are ready for the year ahead. We have also enjoyed meeting parents in our week of Information Evenings.

In our Celebration Assembly on Monday we presented Well Done certificates to girls in Year 2 for a range of good work skills. We also presented the badges for girls with posts of responsibility. The Form and Vice Form Captains for Years 4 - 6 are in place for the term. Then Charity, Eco and Prep Parliament Representatives were presented with their badges. The Eco Reps have already met with Mrs Eveleigh to understand their roles.

Hard work has also begun right across the Prep School and in the photographs this week you can see a snapshot of some of the things girls have been doing. Year 2 mathematicians have been matching numerals to their names whilst working with new classmates.

Westbourne has been a hive of activity too. In Kindergarten they have been thinking about themselves in their ‘All About Me’ project.  The girls brought four items special to them from home to school in their special bags. They have then shared these items with friends and talked about them. This has helped them to get to know each other whilst developing important communication and language skills.

In Reception, girls have begun work on their first topic of the year which is food. They have made flapjacks together and have enjoyed eating healthy fruit too. They have also enjoyed working with numbers in their Mathematics lessons.

Next week Year 3 girls are taking their first trip to Lunt Roman Fort as part of their History studies and we look forward to meeting parents at the Year 6 Parents’ Evenings on Monday and Wednesday.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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