Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News from Prep
26 March 2021
On Friday, 19 May the Prep School, from Nursery to Year 6 was glowing red as we supported Comic Relief. Our families had also submitted jokes for our Family Fun Joke Fest. This added a further air of fun to the day. We were delighted to raise £430 to help people in our country and in other countries.
This week has seen a celebration of World Water Day with the theme of valuing water. Girls have been introduced to the results of the worldwide survey run virtually to find out people’s thoughts about the value of water. We know that the United Nations have pledged to ensure that everyone in the world has access to safe water and sanitation by 2030 but that there is still much work to be done to achieve this. The girls considered what actions they can take to assist in reaching this target.
A number of girls also responded to the independent challenge to create a poster promoting this important message. Well done to Zahra Master and Haniah Sattar Mohammed in Year 3, Annabel Moss in Year 4 and Samiah Sattar Mohammed in Year 5 for their excellent efforts.
As our Eco-Reps are busy preparing their Earth Day assembly to be presented on return after the Easter holiday it was good to see our regular recycling efforts being supported as Eliza delivered some old batteries collected by Year 2 to the recycling station.
After the launch of Perry the mascot for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham girls are thinking of the qualities they would like to promote if they were designing a mascot for EHS.
Our week has finished with support of another worthy cause. We have enjoyed ‘Wearing a Hat’ for Brain Tumour Research. This has been a good way to round of our Challenge Board for this term, also on the theme of hats. The girls have been very creative in producing interesting projects for this theme.
Our Celebration Assembly included congratulations to our Year 1 and 2 girls with the presentation of the Well Done certificates. We also congratulated Mila Angrave. In the last year Mila was selected to play in the Girls’ County Tennis Team and she now plays for the U9 Warwickshire County Team which is a huge achievement. It is a hard selection process with the next step being Regional Tennis. We look forward to hearing more of Mila’s tennis journey.
Many of our Co-curricular clubs have begun and girls have enjoyed Lamda, life-saving, cross country and netball. We look forward to further activities taking place after Easter with the end of this term being 12.00 on Thursday 1 April, next week.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

Prep News - 26 March 21
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