Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from the Head of Prep


07 March 2025

When the sun shines at EHS Prep School, the children shine and this week has been no exception. We are a family and when the whole school comes together it is magical. Tuesday saw the infamous EHS Pancake Day Races take place on the Prep playground and for the first time, our Reception girls took part. Mrs Sawyers’ impeccable organisation meant that the whole event was seamless. It was a joyous event, with smiles, cheers and laughter culminating in a fabulous ‘Pancake’ dance! Congratulations to the winning House – Frank. 

World Book Day week is always a highlight of the year for many of our pupils, staff (and parents?) and this week the girls have had the chance to immerse themselves in their favourite books. Harry Potter continues to be incredibly popular, but it was lovely to see girls talking so passionately about new authors and sharing their love of reading with one another. 

Our netball teams continue to have success, with numerous fixtures played over the past couple of weeks. The Under 11 girls have gone from strength to strength and played extremely well against Bromsgrove School on Wednesday afternoon with a convincing win. As I write this, our Year Five and Six girls are preparing for their netball tour to Condover Hall – hoodies have been delivered and final preparations are in place. I wish all of the girls a successful weekend and would like to thank the staff who are accompanying them for providing such an exciting opportunity. 

Amongst all of these wonderful co-curricular opportunities, academic excellence has been evident across the school and I am most grateful to all of my wonderful staff for providing such an inspiring place for our girls to learn. Their passion for teaching and learning is is their passion for dressing up for World Book Day!! 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs Hobson 


We have had another week of our EHS values being demonstrated across the school. Congratulations to everyone who has been celebrated this week. 

Shraya for taking responsibility for her work and trying her best! 
Rumaysa for showing good imagination in her creative work. 

Sophie M for demonstrating aspiration, always aiming high, challenging herself and working to the best of her ability. 
Fareeha for persevering with her independent writing skills and completing sentences about Handa’s Surprise! 

Year One 
Amaiya for perseverance with her great number work using a number line. 
Charlotte H for demonstrating excellence with her amazing manners at dinner time. 

Year Two 
Ameerah for showing aspiration with her super defensive skills in Games lessons. 
Shahnoor for demonstrating aspiration to improve her pace of work. 

Year Three 
Aayrah for showing perseverance when working towards her French presentation. 
Layla for demonstrating excellence when using the column methods of addition and subtraction in Mathematics lessons. 

Year Four 
Eloise for demonstrating responsibility with her behaviour on the West House bus. 
Anushka for showing inclusivity, always being kind, allowing everyone to join in and working with everyone. 

Year Five 
Ayla for perseverance, making great progress, in particular with her comprehension and creative writing. 
Pepper for showing excellence and maturity when discussing gender stereotypes in PSHE. 
Amaya J for aspiration, passion and enjoyment in History lessons. 

Year Six 
Talia for aspiration, with such a pleasing improvement in her approach to learning, especially in her written work. 
Davica for excellence, brainstorming vocabulary relating to money and finances during a PSHE lesson. 
Harriet for showing perseverance in her attitude to school. Despite having a broken foot, she can still do (almost) everything! 

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