Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Nursery's Rhyme Time
17 November 2017
For National Nursery Rhyme Week, the girls in Nursery focused on the rhyme, 'The Grand Old Duke of York' who marched his 10,000 soldiers up the hill and down again.
They explored the concepts of 'up' and 'down' by throwing balls up high in the sky and watching them fall back down to the ground. They pushed the Nursery cars down the slope with minimum effort and then had to work quite hard pushing them up again. They also played with the balance-scales, learning that heavy things make the scales go down and the lighter side goes up.
Having made special hats for the occasion, the Nursery girls played the role of marching and saluting soldiers whilst Mrs Coulson was the Duke, barking out instructions. We were glad that she left her loud voice behind her when she came back to Nursery!
Rhymes in Nursery
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