Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep Cross-Country Success


14 March 2025

Each week, Miss McKee and Mrs Cattell lead a Cross-Country running club. This is an extremely popular club and the girls make use of our extensive grounds to hone their cross-country running skills and make the most of getting out in the fresh air. So, it was with great excitement that selected girls from Year Four, Five and Six took part in the Hallfield Cross-Country competition last Friday. 

Many co-educational schools from across the Midlands travelled to Birmingham to take part and many of our girls’ brothers who attend West House School were also there representing their school. EHS girls were eager to support the other competitors and excited to have an opportunity to put into practice the skills they have learnt in the weekly club. 

Our girls were fantastic ambassadors for our EHS Prep School and demonstrated excellence, resilience, perseverance, courage and determination as they raced across the course. Congratulations go to Lara who came away with a silver medal and Clara who secured a bronze medal, but to all of our girls who completed the course well ahead of their competitors. It was a brilliant afternoon of competition and we are delighted to share the news that our Under 11 team came away in 1st place and brought a fantastic trophy back to school which is now proudly on display in our trophy cabinet. 

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