Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News from Prep
18 November 2022
We began the week with our Year 5 and 6 girls joining Senior School for their dance assembly which they very much enjoyed.
Nationally this week has raised awareness of 6 particular causes all of which we have marked in the Prep School. Year 5 took part in an NRich Maths webinar on Monday, to get Maths Week England off to a flying start! Tuesday morning brought the first of our Celebration assemblies of the week. This week we congratulated our Year 5 History Club on their Remembrance Assembly and thanked everyone for the collection made for the British Legion of over £400. We also presented Independent Learning certificates to Isla Rae for her beautiful artwork with a fairy quality, Mila Angrave for her reptile research, Supreeta Kalsi Jogi for her piece of work on poppies and Zeenia Khan for her Saving Energy poster.
There were individual awards too for Cora Batchelor for receiving 12 medals in a recent gala representing her club and for Davica Roles on passing her Grade 3 Music Theory with merit. Two of our budding scientists, Ava and Esme Levy, were awarded their Wonder Club badges from Whizz, Pop, Bang magazine for having undertaken scientific experiments. Emiley and Zoe Dias and Amy Bedford were presented with medals they gained from running 5 km at Sutton Park in support of the Poppy Appeal. Jashvita Santhosh also supported a charity with a ‘cycle with Pudsey’ activity with her family raising £162.50 for Children in Need. We are very proud of all of the girls.
Anisha, our Eco Champion introduced the start of Switch Off Fortnight. An unannounced audit had been carried out in previous weeks by our Eco Reps to see how aware we are about saving energy. The results showed we are doing well generally and a focus in the next two weeks would help further. Everyone is also making a ‘lightbulb’ pledge with their families at home too.
In our Languages Room the girls were delighted to see their World Languages Day posters displayed following the award of prizes. Posters featured a range of languages including Arabic, Sanskrit, Malay, Khatchi, Silbo Gomero and sign language.
The second focus in Prep was Anti-Bullying Week, an important topic in all schools. We looked at the definition of bullying, our zero tolerance towards bullying and how we can ‘Reach Out’ to others for help if we are worried about ourselves or others.
Parents enjoyed joining us on Thursday morning for 1B’s class assembly on the theme of their visit to Tamworth Castle. They shared all of the facts they had learnt and thanked their parents for giving them the opportunity to learn in such an exciting way.
Westbourne have been included in marking the national themes this week of Road Safety and Nursery Rhymes whilst we included the final topic, UK Parliament Week in Fridays Assembly on Children in Need Day.
The girls have gained much insight into a wide range of issues this week and have been challenged by the discussions which have followed.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School
News from Prep
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