Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


15 February 2019

We always enjoy assemblies performed for parents and last Friday was no exception when 5F presented their class assembly. The girls followed up their work on fables in the classroom by performing the story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ but with a twist. TV stars Trinny and Susannah advised the vain Emperor that he needed a new look. The girls acted the story well together using the TV format and we were all impressed by their range of skills and the delivery of the moral.

There was more story telling later in the morning when Year 1 shared a story with girls from Reception.  They chose some of their favourites to read and welcomed the younger girls to the Year 1 classrooms.  Meanwhile, in Nursery, the girls enjoyed listening to ‘I’m Not Sleepy’ as part of their Pyjama Day. This was a development of their work of the week based on the Nursery rhyme, Wee Willie Winkie.

This week began with our Celebration Assembly. We presented our Well Done Certificates to Years 1 and 2 and several individual awards for swimming, skating and fencing. There were also further congratulations to our Senior Gymnasts Star, Zaynab, Phoebe, Oko and Aurelia. Following on from their success last week the team travelled to Stoke on Saturday to take part in the West Midlands Area Competition for U11. They returned with the Team silver medal and there was a gold medal overall once again for Aurelia, the youngest competitor. Very well done to all.

In addition to working with younger girls Year 1 have been adventurous in their Science lessons by going inside their bodies! The girls thoroughly enjoyed using the virtual t-shirt to see what is happening inside their bodies as you can see in the photographs.

On Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 pupils joined girls from Senior School at the Creative Industries Day to hear Nadiya Hussain, British Bake-off Winner speak at an inspirational Question and Answer presentation. They enjoyed hearing about her childhood, her cooking experiences and her unexpected rise to fame after taking part in the television show.

Our week has ended with two special assemblies. On Thursday we enjoyed a Music Assembly. We listened to Year 4 singing ‘Amani Utupe’ in Swahili and the String Group performing the sea shanty, ‘Drunken Sailor’. Jasmine, Ritu, Lucy and Anna also explained a little about each of the different instruments being played and we would like to thank Mrs Jarvis and Mr Southall for their work with the group. 

The half term Courtesy Counts prizes were also presented and our PE Captains gave an update on the PPP Challenge at this half way stage in the year. PPP is about being perfectly prepared for PE and is an inter-form challenge. Miss Dawes also gave details of a number of sporting opportunities available to the girls and details can be found on our PE noticeboard.

Our final assembly was performed by 5D and we will report further after half term.

We have enjoyed meeting parents during the week and hope everyone enjoys a well-earned Half Term break next week.  We look forward to seeing girls back at school on Monday 25 February.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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