Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


26 January 2018

Our Prep Parliament representatives enjoyed their first meeting of this calendar year. A suggestion from Lara, one of our pupils, that is being followed up is to produce an EHS Cook Book. This will be a pupil project and more details will follow but we hope to find a ‘Masterchef’ amongst us.

In our celebration Assembly on Monday we presented our Well Done Certificates to girls in Years 1 and 2. These were awarded for work in Maths, History, DT, Comprehension and Geography. Alayna’s award for helping everyone was very pleasing and in line with our new Courtesy Counts scheme introduced to the girls this week.

We also congratulated our musicians who were very successful in the recent ABSRM and Trinity College assessments. Three individual awards were also presented to Grace in Year 3 for her 800m swim, Anya in Year 1 for medals in her first gymnastics competition and Anya in Year 2 for climbing to the top of the Monument in London. Well done to everyone on their success.

We welcomed parents from Year 2 to an Information evening on Monday after school. They enjoyed meeting Year 6 girls who were, once again, excellent Ambassadors for the school. We hope the introduction to Key Stage 2 was interesting and helpful.

Tuesday saw another new opportunity for Prep girls as Year 5 attended several masterclasses in Senior School run by our older scholars. They returned to Prep having enjoyed the enriching experience and buzzing with enthusiasm.

Tuesday evening saw success for our Swim Squad. Swimmers from Years 3 – 6 competed in a gala against Holy Trinity School. This was a very closely fought match all the way through to the last race when a victory by EHS saw a win by one single point! Congratulations to all of the girls who demonstrated very good skills and attitude. We are all looking to our next fixture in February against the St. Martin’s Squad.

Despite some extreme weather on Wednesday morning nothing could dampen the excitement in school as we prepared for the School’s Birthday assembly. This was held in the Octagon for our whole school community, for girls aged two and a half to eighteen and the staff. All girls from Kindergarten to Year 6 performed a song to link to the theme of EHS qualities of kindness, strength and friends. We also sang happy birthday, gave three cheers and, of course, enjoyed some cake. In Prep several girls made birthday cards for the school and delivered them to the Prep Office.

The girls worked hard in Music practising the special themed songs for the event and girls in Years 3 – 6 are now busy preparing for the Prep Young Musician of the Year auditions which are taking place in Music lessons. Results will be announced before half term and the finals will take place on March 2 after school in the Octagon.

On Wednesday evening there was more sporting success as our Year 6 netball team had a convincing win against a Year 7 team from Star Bank School. This is a first fixture against this school. Well done to the team.

This week has ended with Year 3 pupils story telling Assembly and the Rainforest Roadshow for Year 4 girls both of which we will report on next week. We look forward to welcoming parents of girls in 5F to their class assembly next Friday.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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