Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Prickly Hay
14 December 2018
On Thursday 6 December, Year 2 girls performed the Nativity story from a different perspective. After several weeks of rehearsals, they gave a splendid performance of ‘Prickly Hay’.
All girls were involved and knew their words extremely well when speaking their lines and when singing. They performed with great confidence and worked well together as a year group.
In the story, the hay was prickly and the stable untidy but was tidied up in time to be the venue for the special Christmas birth. They even found some softer hay to line the manger.
This production was a triumph with its humour, singing and dancing routines and colourful costumes. Our thanks go to the Year 2 and Music staff who prepared the girls and
encouraged them to give such a memorable performance.
Nativity Headlines
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