Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Marking Remembrance Day

Westbourne | Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form

18 November 2022

On Friday 11 November, EHS held a special Remembrance Service. This year, we were fortunate enough to be joined by Vern Littley who saw action in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan during his time in the military. He now lectures and during the pandemic he completed an MA in WWI Studies and the History of the British Empire.  

He spoke to Senior School about his work with the Poppy Appeal, how it originated, and the work and purpose of the Royal British Legion. We heard performances from Wind Band, pupil Samara K on the violin, and Chamber Choir, and the service ended with Mr Skilbeck playing the Last Post. 

Many thanks to all those who participated in the assembly and who donated to the Poppy Appeal. We were delighted to learn that we raised a total of £850.82 for the Legion; a wonderful effort from the whole school.


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